Tequila, Tacos, Artcetera…


Hey babes,
Hey babes,

Hey babes,I’m doing a thing (hanging work up) at Cafe de la Esquina (the Wythe diner.)



Galleries can be a little stuffy, so I figured fuck that garb. Come to La Esquina & enjoy some complimentary Mexican food & drinks (the kind Jay-Z likes) while yr eyeballs crush out on what I’ve been losing sleep over. We’re gonna have Jonny Santos throwing down & keeping things fresh. I’ll have some recession priced prints for sale. Let’s party.

Hey babes,Hey babes

JONNY SANTOS: https://soundcloud.com/imakeparty
DAVID ANTONIO PEREZCASSAR: http://davidperezcassar.com/

Hey babes,

Here’s the facespace page. It’s at 225 Wythe Ave. See you there.

Hey babes,
